December Drabbles by Chie

Well Met

Chie: I'm hoping to dip my toe into writing more regularly again and got this idea of like a fanfic advent calendar. I'm not sure if I'll manage to write and post daily this December, but I'm going to give it a try, anyway. :)

This one is fror Dross, who is a wonderful friend. Love you!

December Drabbles Day 1 - Well Met


There was a chill in the air. Kagome's cheeks prickled from the nipping cold, and she tucked her chin further into her muffler. The city around her was loud and busy and always, as she walked along the streets in the darkening evening. The autumn was finally turning into winter, and Kagome was more than ready for the change. The autumn had been a grey, tiring slog of one week blurring into the next in an endless black hole of drudgery. 

Kagome was homesick -- an ache so deep she felt it in her bones. The only problem was that the place she yearned for, the people she missed from the bottom of her heart were long gone 

A glow from the corner of her vision caught her attention. The Christmas lights had been put up, decorating the trees at the edge of the nearby park and curling over the street like joyful streamers. Kagome stopped and stared. The pain lodged in her chest eased a fraction as she gazed up at the cheerful lights and cherished the small moment, letting herself get lost with it. 

Something cold brushed her forehead. 

Kagome touched the spot and saw the fluffy white flakes slowly falling through the air around her. 


A smile curved her lips. For this brief while she felt the magic. 

A shiver raced down her spine. Her skin started to tingle. The well hidden within, long forgotten, now yawned open and tendrils of power slithered out, jolting her like an electric current 

She could actually feel it. 

Kagome whirled around, her eyes wide, her heart racing, hope twisting the knife in her gut as the dark energy kissed her skin. 

He stood fifteen feet away, preternaturally still. Their gazes locked, his shocked eyes flashing gold. 

Emotion choked her. A lone, scalding tear rolled down her cold cheek. 

He staggered a few hesitant steps towards her. Something bubbled up the tightness of her throat until laughter burst from her, delighted and wild. 

He took another slow step towards her, and she closed the distance. 

He stared at her, his golden gaze roaming her face as if committing every pore to memory. His deep voice was devastatingly familiar and laced with incredulity, as he spoke a single word in greeting. "Miko." 

Kagome laughed again and another tear joined the first as she threw her arms around his neck and pressed herself to him. 

"Hello, Sesshoumaru," she mumbled into the expensive wool of his coat. 

After a long moment, his arms wrapped around her and held her close, oddly gentle and a little gingerly, as if holding something infinitely precious. 

She felt something softly touch the top of her head and heard his deep inhale. 

"Well met, Kagome."