Mischief Managed by R.M. Ravenswift


A/N: Thanks for the reviewsI have edited this chapter to clear up a few things. I hope you enjoy! 


A warm breeze  swirled around the flames, causing sparks of red to crackle through the air. The companions sat in silence as the fire mesmerized their thoughts. The past ten years consisted of collecting the remaining jewel shards and tracking Naraku. It was hard to believe that they had defeated him and completed the jewel just a few moons ago.  

Kagome looked down at her hands that cradled all  the jewel shards. Her hands were marred with battle scars and painful memories. She ran her fingers across the jagged scar that would never  heal. A snake serpent had attacked her while she was walking towards the bone eaters well. She did not sense its presence and before she could reach for her bow, the serpent had a death grip on her hand. The smell of burning flesh and screams filled the air.  Her eyes glazed over as the venom coursed through her veins. The serpent was infusing unholy magic with the venom, leaving her paralyzed. Inuyasha had found her shortly after she lost consciousness. Kaede tried her best to heal the wound but to no avail. She heard Kaede say that she  would either die from sepsis or bleed out. Not  having any coherent thoughts, the only thing she could think of was to make the pain go away. Still unable to move from the poision, she focused her thoughts on her holy powers. At first, she could feel it coursing through her veins. She focused on the wound and send as much of her powers towards her left hand. The pain lessened as she felt the unholy magic begin to purify. There was still a lot of blood loss even though the wound was healing. A light pink needle with thread appeared in her mind and she focused on stitching the wound from the inside out. After the course of a week, she opened her eyes and looked at the surgery she performed on her hand. 

On her right hand there were scars between each of her fingers. Inuyasha had was wounded during his human night.  There was so much blood and he was hanging on by a thread. The companions could do nothing but watch as she poured of her healing powers into him. She had held his hand throughout the night to keep a constant flow of her spiritual powers to keep him alive. Nothing but shear will power kept her awake and stayed  by his side the entire night. The breaking of dawn could not come soon enough.  Fatigue had caused her to miss the slight brush of his youki. Within moments, a pair of dark red eyes were looking up at her.  The sudden onslaught of holy power attached to his hand caused him to lose control. She winced in pain as his claws elongated and stabbed through her flesh. Inuyasha would never forgive himself for that day. 

The rustling of leaves snapped her out of her thoughts. She locked eyes with the hanyou who was fidgeting in the tree. 

‘Keh. Starring at it ‘aint gonna make the jewel go away,  Kagome. These demons keep comin after us!’ Inuyasha said in a bitter tone. 

"Well, if you can come up with a wish pure enough to get rid of this stupid thing, by all means do so! If you make the wrong wish, you think we could defeat the endless waves of youkai that Midoriko is fighting? I personally do not want to be sucked into the jewel and live the rest of my life fighting youkai, thank you very much!" She spat. 

"Yeah, Inu-baka! You're the one who told Kagome to make the wish! So leave her alone!" Shippou carefully curled into a ball beside her lap. 

"I agree, Shippou-chan. Inuyasha, although we are fighting off youkai, we are still in each others company. We will not know what will happen after the wish is made, so let us enjoy these moments we have together." Mirkou smiled gently at Sango. There was a silent understanding in his words as the companions drew comfort from the warmth of the fire.


A/N: Thanks for reading! R&R!